Saturday, February 2, 2008

Students Blogging

I received several comments on my students' blog. There are three students in particular who are really embracing the concept. Like I said, they have filled the page with elements like a slide show and a poll. They also used it quite a bit on the snow day to communicate fundraising achievements. I think it helps that the blog is a tool toward something they are already excited about; their club. I don't know if I would be getting the same amount of enthusiasm from classroom work. However, this is an excellent foot in the door. Now when I do use it for classroom activities there will be a handful of students who can get the others excited. I'm thankful that I found a found a way to sneak it into their lives like this and I'm looking forward to a novel project we'll be doing in a few weeks to introduce it to the entire class.


KB said...

I bet those students that are using the blog now will feel great when the time comes that they can help the rest of the class. it sounds like you've struck gold.

Anonymous said...

I really wish that I could have my students participate in a blog. It sounds like a few of you are having some fun, as well as the students. One day, I hope to implement this into my normal classroom activities. Keep me posted on your success.